Friday, September 23, 2011

How often to change oil on car that sits?

I live in SE Pa. I have a street/strip race car that sits most of the time. Probably only put about 1,200 miles on it in the last year. Most of the winter it sat. I have driven it a few times since it got nice out. The oil that is in it probably only has about 500 miles on it but its been in there all winter, since November. The oil still looks golden but is well over the 3 month change interval. However I feel like I may be wasting the oil. Should I change it or should I be ok ? Each time I have driven the car I have let it reach operating temperature and even gotten on it alittle bit. The filter was changed with the oil. I am very anal about my work on this automobile and only want the best but that being said I do not want to waste money on unnecessary oil changes.How often to change oil on car that sits?your ok/ive done that with race carHow often to change oil on car that sits?i would say every 2 months just to be on tha safe sideHow often to change oil on car that sits?what kinda oil do you put in it? if its conventional oil change it. if you use a full synthetic, you can probily get away with changing the filter and toping off. if it was mine it would get changedHow often to change oil on car that sits?industry standard is 3 months, i haven't changed the oil in my car since last year, i know it's pretty bad as i am a mechanic too, but my car is a

pos, i dont care if it breaks or not i'll just get another 500.00 dollar posHow often to change oil on car that sits?I would recommend using a 5W-30 Synthetic Oil Like MOBIL ONE be changed once a year with an oil filter as well. Car should not be allowed to just sit cold without occasional engine warmup to circulate lubricant to all journal bearings at least every 3 months. You could change oil if the car is driven over 10,000 miles per year.

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